Antwerp, Belgium – In early February 2024, the CANMILK consortium gathered in Antwerp for a partner meeting marking month 18 of the project. Hosted at the University of Antwerp, where the PLASMANT research group is based, the meeting brought together all project partners to discuss the progress of the project and the next steps towards 2024.
In addition to addressing administrative and coordination matters, the meeting was characterized by lively discussions on the technical aspects of the project. With the project comprising three primary work streams – scientific research, proof of concept, and techno-economic evaluation – the primary objective of the meeting was to synchronize these workflows and ensure effective teamwork.
Especially the presentations on the progress of work package 2 (WP2), focusing on plasma modelling and diagnostics, and WP3, providing insights into adsorbent and catalyst testing, led to interesting and productive discussions about the project concept and new ideas and workflows were discussed.
This was followed by a mini-workshop to collect action points for the development of the proof-of-concept unit in WP4, and a progress report on the techno-economic assessment in WP5.
WP6 “Dissemination and Exploitation” took the opportunity to gather input from project partners on communication and dissemination activities and discussed main exploitable results of the project in a short workshop.
The meeting concluded on a productive note, with partners expressing enthusiasm for the progress made thus far. Much work lies ahead before the partners reconvene in August. Stay tuned, as we will share more project news in our upcoming newsletter, set to be published soon!