Summary and concept

The challenge of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions is that they are either produced outside in open air or, when produced indoors, diluted in high amount of ventilation air. This makes them technically difficult to tackle. The concentration of methane in the indoor air of a cattle barn is in the range of tens to hundreds of parts per million (ppm). Therefore, neither commercial utilization of methane nor the direct thermal combustion is feasible.

Currently there is no suitable way to treat dilute methane in animal barns. In order to reduce methane emissions quickly and reach the carbon neutrality by 2035, the new technical solutions must be efficient, have high potential for fast commercialization, and have investment and operation costs that are affordable for the farmers. This is the primary target of the CANMILK project.

The ambitious goal of CANMILK is to develop novel technology for methane conversion to CO2 which is less harmful compound with 28 times lower global warming potential than methane. Non-thermal plasma, a.k.a cold plasma, is today in everyday consumer use for example in fluorescent lamps and in ozone generators. The CANMILK project converts this technology to an innovative high-tech and low-cost solution to fight against ppm level methane emissions.


Objective 1

Develop a simple, modular and efficient concept for methane abatement in cattle barns

Objective 2

Develop materials for methane concentration

Objective 3

Develop catalysts for methane treatment in plasma


Objective 4

Increase understanding of plasma chemistry in dilute methane abatement


Objective 5

Increase public awareness on the effects of methane on global warming and methods to overcome it

Objective 6

Investigate barn environment and techno-economic aspects of technology

Concept and approach

CANMILK project will promote sustainable farming and carbon neutral consumer products through the delivery of a safe, cost-effective and efficient system to reduce methane emissions.


In working towards this challenge, the CANMILK
consortium aims to develop a concept, technology and network that can have significant impact in the following areas:

  • Increase knowledge on the plausibility of removing non-CO2 greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
  • Develop technologies for addressing the effects of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Investigate techno-economic aspects of technologies and physical properties of emissions, striving to match both into market-ready solutions.
  • Raise awareness on the effects of non-CO2 greenhouse gases on earth warming